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Can the Arc4life Traction Pillow Be Used by Side Sleepers?

Posted by N Gil on

Since 2003 lots of people have lots to say about the arc4life traction pillow. Here is a very popular question concerning side sleeping with the traction pillow.

Side Sleeping with the Arc4life Traction Pillow
Calling all side sleepers that bought this pillow (arc4life traction pillow)!!! Is it good for side sleepers? I cannot sleep any other way and have herniated cervical discs.
Answer #1:
Yes. I am a side sleeper only too. Have bulging discs in my neck. The only complaint is that my husband says i snore worse than ever. I think its because im sleeping harder. I used to turn over 10 x a night. Now maybe 2 
By C. Gallagher 
Answer #2:
Yes I am a side sleeper as well, at least that's where I start out. On both sides it has support for that reason. I have herniated discs as well and I have less neck pain when I wake up now from using the pillow. 
By Mom of two 
Answer #3:
I sleep on my back and on my side with this pillow. When you get it, they recommend that you sleep on your side on the side sections. The center has a "cutout" for back sleeping, but if you roll naturally to your side, you will end up on the side sections, which is what I do. 
By Dani-gal
Answer #4:
Yes, i find as long as I use the lower side of the pillow I can sleep on my side. Though I've had to learn to sleep on my back because it's better for my herniated disc, even though I prefer side sleeping. 
By brittney pacioni 
Answer #5:
This pillow seriously changed my life. It is most comfortable for me if I sleep on my side with this pillow. It supports the jaw and the neck and the head. 
By Sarah 

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