Since 2003 lots of people have lots to say about the arc4life traction pillow. Here is a very popular question concerning side sleeping with the traction pillow.

Calling all side sleepers that bought this pillow (arc4life traction pillow)!!! Is it good for side sleepers? I cannot sleep any other way and have herniated cervical discs.
Answer #1:
Yes. I am a side sleeper only too. Have bulging discs in my neck. The only complaint is that my husband says i snore worse than ever. I think its because im sleeping harder. I used to turn over 10 x a night. Now maybe 2
By C. Gallagher
By C. Gallagher
Answer #2:
Yes I am a side sleeper as well, at least that's where I start out. On both sides it has support for that reason. I have herniated discs as well and I have less neck pain when I wake up now from using the pillow.
By Mom of two
By Mom of two
Answer #3:
I sleep on my back and on my side with this pillow. When you get it, they recommend that you sleep on your side on the side sections. The center has a "cutout" for back sleeping, but if you roll naturally to your side, you will end up on the side sections, which is what I do.
By Dani-gal
By Dani-gal
Answer #4:
Yes, i find as long as I use the lower side of the pillow I can sleep on my side. Though I've had to learn to sleep on my back because it's better for my herniated disc, even though I prefer side sleeping.
By brittney pacioni
By brittney pacioni
Answer #5:
This pillow seriously changed my life. It is most comfortable for me if I sleep on my side with this pillow. It supports the jaw and the neck and the head.
By Sarah
By Sarah
Link for More Information: How to Use the Arc4life Cervical Traction Neck Pillow