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This Pillow was Recommended for Neck Issues

Posted by Carmen Zajicek on

** Scared to Death to Use this

This pillow was recommended for neck issues. I had cervical fusion so thought this pillow would be helpful but once I read the entire pamphlet and how it said it causes traction and to only use one hour at a time and that you may have pain after. I decided to ask my doctor and he said no this pillow would not be good for after this type of surgery. I would suggest further info is given online regarding this pillow so people know before buying it! It's also rock hard and the "V" placement is weird. My head felt strange in it just trying it out. - Laurie, Feb 2020

Dear Laurie, thank you for your comment. This is called the arc4life cervical "TRACTION" pillow - the pillow does very gentle neck traction. It is right in the name. There are no pulleys, mechanisms, weights with this pillow. It is a pillow. Composed of polyester fiber fill with a special design. Two sides to the pillow- Nothing to be "scared to death to use". ***You do not have to use the traction side of the pillow either, you can use the support side if you have had a fusion surgery.

If you have had recent neck surgery especially a FUSION, you should not be using this pillow. That goes without saying and I am sure after your surgery your Dr, nurses, PT, and other health professionals mentioned this to you. You can use the support side of the pillow, which is opposite of the traction side. You can sleep on your side or on your back.

That being said, we have had many customers over the years who after having fusion surgery after many years have used this arc4life traction pillow with much success.

Please read other feedback for this pillow that has been posted . This is a pillow that has helped many customers with neck pain due to a herniated disc, bulging disc and pinched nerve in the neck. It has helped with patients who have numbness and tingling in the neck. It is has helped patients with degenerative disc disease and neck arthritis. This pillow works amazing when used in conjunction with an actual traction unit. Patients use a traction device during the day, and then the pillow at night. It is a special pillow that has given many many patients neck pain relief without the use of the medication.

We are here for our customers to help answer questions about how to use the pillow, who should use the pillow and what size of pillow one should use. We provide a booklet on how to use the pillow as well. You can contact us via our site or on amazon. We are here to help. We have been selling our pillow here since 2003, and our pillow is made in the USA from start to finish. - Arc4life

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