Today I want to share a healthy way to lose weight - man or woman. It is called intermittent fasting, and the benefits for this technique are vast:
Check out what nutritionist Cynthia Thurlow has to say about this trans formative eating technique - Its not for everyone (she talks about the contra-indications in the video - example over age 70, child, food eating issues, low BMI, you are frail), but it works:
Eating all day long over taxes our body systems. With this technique, you fast (no eating) for 16 hours and eat for 8 hours.
Benefits of intermittent fasting:
- fuels fat loss (20%-40% decrease in caloric intake), especially around our major organs
- improve moods
- flexible, free, and simple to do
- improves mental clarity
- increase human growth hormone - helps with increasing lean muscle mass
- when we fast, we are are cleaning our cells (atothogy)
- lowers insulin levels, improve cholesterol levels
- reduces risk for cancer
- protects our brains