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Canada and International Orders

Arc4life ships to many International Destinations

Thank you for visiting Arc4life.com. Arc4life ships the Arc4life traction neck pillow and many other products to such countries around the world as: Australia, Canada, Maldives, Sweden, Austrailia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, UAE, India and more.

    For all international destinations, please order via the order form. Arc4life is now set up to accept international payments online for UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore, UAE and Australia. If your country is not listed, contact us via email.

    Arc4life ships internationally using APC Logistics. You can check your tracking  for this on http://www.apc-pli.com: APC Tracking for Arc4life International Pkgs. In most cases, the shipping quote that we give you will include the customs fees as well. 

    Payment for international orders is accepted via Paypal Payment Processor only. You can still use your visa, discover, mastercard, amex or personal check when you use Paypal. You do not need a Paypal account to complete this transaction. If you have any questions please email us at info@ arc4life.com.

    Please note that all international shipping is completed through APC Logistics. We will email you a tracking number via the Paypal tracking system as well, once your shipment is completed. We do not use UPS or Fedex or DHL for international shipping.


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