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How to Properly Wear a Lumbar Support Belt for Lower Back Pain Relief

Posted by N Gil on

This Arc4life How to article discusses how one should wear a lumbar support belt. There are many types of lumbar support belts available online today. You want to make sure your lumbar support belt fits properly and it proportioned for your body. Low back belts and supports can help patients with sciatica, lumbar strain, and low back injuries. 


Arc4life recommends using the CorFit Lumbar Belt because of its superior design, comfort and ease of usage. The CorFit Lumbar Support Belt 7000 is a flexible back brace that can provide tremedous relief from lower back pain due to sciatica, lumbar disc herniation or any kind of lower back pain. It can be applied easily to the lower back/ sacral region yourself. In this Arc4life How-to article we are going to discuss step by step instructions on how to use a LumboSacral Belt for lower back pain relief.

What you will need:

  1. When you wear a lumbar support belt, make sure you have the right size. Measure around your low back region to determine the correct size. If you have a large mid section, consider getting the next size up so that you will be comfortable.
  2. If your lumbar belt has 2 side flaps that velcro to the belt, release these flaps from the velcro and park them at the edge of the belt, so that you can easily make the belt extra snug in the last steps.
  3. Often in the back of the belt there is a flap that tells you the center of the belt positions. Position this tag or marker in the center of your lower back. Make sure the side seams stay aligned with your pant seams.
  4. Make sure the width of the belt covers the lumbar (low back) and sacral (tail bone) area.
  5. Do not suck your stomach in all the way, and do not let your midsection (belly) hang out all the way before putting on the belt. Start with a neutral position in which you are comfortable
  6. Wrap the belt around to the front. When you velco the first part of the belt, make sure the two surfaces are matched up and you have a solid foundation from overlap. You do not want to have a cris cross pattern, or your belt will ride up and not stay in the proper position.
  7. If your belt has extra support flaps that you parked in step 2, use those for extra support around your waist and bring them to the front and velco fully.
  8. To make sure your belt is properly positioned, make sure the top edge of the belt is at or below the navel.
  9. ****Optional For further relief of lower back pain, especially for an acute injury with inflammation present or flare up, take an ice back and place that in the lower back region; then put the belt on top of the ice. The use of ice will cause numbing sensation and decrease inflammatin which can lead to a faster recovery.
Things to Remember:
    • To determine if a lumbosacral belt will give you relief, do this simple test: 1) Overlap your hands and place them on your lower belly 2) Lift upward and inward. If your feel immediate pain relief in your lower back, a lumbar support belt will be of benefit to you.
    • Lumbar support belts are best utilized with weak or fatiqued muscles, with recurring low back pain, or when recovering from a low back injury
    • If you have a history of lower back pain, and you will be lifting a heavy object, using the belt will be beneficial
    • You can also buy lumbar support belts with suspenders for extra support.
    • Choose a lumbar support belt with double side pulls for excellent abdominal compression.
    • You should only use a lumbosacral belt for the first few days or weeks after an acute injury as well as for a flare up. It is also a good idea to wear the belt when you are lifting a heavy object, particularly if you have a history of lower back pain.
    • Make sure your belt is not too tight; This will make it uncomfortable to breathe and move around
    • The key to an effective lumbar support belt is fit- double check to make sure you have the right size for you
    • It is not a wise idea to put your lumbar back belt into the washing machine to clean. Rather, hand wash in cold water and let air dry so that the fibers and strength of the belt do not break down.


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