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Military Neck? Doing Neck Traction at Home

Posted by N Gil on

How to do A Neck Traction Protocol at Home if You don't have the Cervical Neck Curve.

Have you ever been diagnosed with "military neck"? It basically means that your neck curve is straight and not the proper c curve that it should be. It is also known as loss of cervical lordosis or having a hypolordotic curve in the neck spine (loss of the cervical curve, the spine may not be completely straight but there is a loss of curve there. This military neck is often diagnosed by the Chiropractor looking at a lateral cervical x-ray (an x-ray of your neck from the side).

One way to work on this military neck is by doing neck traction at home. You can many different types of traction units, but my recommendation is the pronex traction unit because it will help to get the c-curve back into the neck.

When people think of "traction" a excruciating image of an over the door thingy-ma-jiggy is conjured up and more pain is felt just thinking about it. Today I want to show you how simple it is to do neck traction at home with the revolutionary Pronex Pneumatic Traction Unit- the cadillac of traction units!!!! The pronex traction unit is available at www.arc4life.com and also at the Neck Pain Relief Shop. Email us at Arc4life on Squidoo if you have any more questions about the Pronex Traction Unit.

What is Military Neck in the Spine?

Understanding what it means to have A curve in your neck spine...

A military neck basically refers to having a straightening of the cervical curve in the neck spine. Normally, one should have a "C" when you look at the cervical spine in a lateral neck x-ray.
If you look at the side profile of a person's neck x-ray, you see the red line that can be drawn through the bones of the neck spine. You can visualize how the curve is no longer there. That is called a military neck.

What does a Normal Neck Curve Look Like?

Lets look at the Neck in a little more depth.

Well its supposed to look like the letter "C". Look at a normal neck x-ray here. The Neck Spine is composed of 7 vertebrae:
  1. C1 - also known as the atlas
  2. C2 - also known as the axis
  3. C3
  4. C4
  5. C5
  6. C6
  7. C7
To read more about the normal cervical curve, click here: The Normal Cervical Curve in the Neck. Also check out arc 4 life's newest squidoo lens on Posture, click here; Proper Neck Alignment - What is the normal and abnormal for a neck curve?

Is it Easy to Do Neck Traction at Home?

Glastonbury Chiropractor Shows Step by Step How to do Neck Traction At Home

Dr. Matt Bellinger has a chiropractic office in Glastonbury Connecticut, zip code 06033. He specializes in pain relief for the neck, midback and the lower back. He uses this neck traction unit in his Glastonbury OFFICE. Here he demonstrates how to use the pronex traction unit. Check out his GlastonburyChiro Blog Here.

hoose the right Size for Neck Traction when using the Pronex Pneumatic Traction Unit:
Its available in 3 sizes of neck measurement:
  • Regular for 14" to 16" neck
  • Large for 17" to 18" neck
  • Wide for 19" to 21" neck

Neck Exercises: Stretching Your Neck Is Recommended Before Starting neck Traction

In the next blog post, we will highlight step by step how to do home traction

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