Waking up with neck pain can ruin your day, but the way you sleep can make all the difference. Discover the best sleeping positions to promote spinal alignment and prevent discomfort. From back sleeping—considered the ideal position—to the importance of a supportive pillow like the Arc4life Cervical Traction Pillow, this guide will help you wake up refreshed and pain-free. Say goodbye to neck strain and hello to restful nights!
I have a military neck and have been having so much pain I can't sleep. I am 5'5", 124 lbs and have a small frame. The distance from my neck to my shoulder is a little less than 4". Would you please recommend a pillow for me?
Imagine the following scenario: You have literally gone through 8 pillows. You just cannot find the right one. You are suffering from neck pain, and just cannot get comfortable. This is a very common issue amongst neck pain sufferers. If you keep buying new pillows, it is going to get more and more expensive and frustr...
This pillow is too firm for me, and the neck support part is too high. The place for your head is small . I couldn't get used to it, and sadly cast it aside. Gave me neck pain and headaches.- Susan