I am going to share an old 2013 video that arc4life put together back in the day that will be very helpful and still relevant for understanding the arc4life traction pillow:
In this video Dr. Bellinger shows us the two sides of the arc4life traction pillow: The Support Side and traction V side.
Additional Reading:
- The Arc4life Travel Sleep Kit - The #1 essential thing to tag to your luggage
- The Herniated Disc Pillow
- The Hunchback posture and How to Get Rid of it
- Using the arc4life traction pillow for a straight neck
- Not Just a Pillow with a Dimple in the Middle
- Should I order an extra firm version of A pillow when I have the choice?
- How to Use the Traction Pillow By Arc4life FOR DUMMIES VERSION
- What is the Boney Hump in my Neck?
- Arc4life on Instagram