The Arc4life Blog — hard pillow
I'm Concerned About Pillows That Are Too Hard.
Posted by N Gil on
HF: A chiro I saw recommended I get a pillow that looks similar to this called TriCore, that I should use the petite size, however petite size only comes in firm, not gentle (I verified by contacting the company). I'm concerned about pillows that are too hard. What do you think? Dear HF, Thank you for commenting on this post. This arc4life traction pillow might LOOK very similar to the tri-core pillow but it is very different. The stitching and contours are different and the fiber material inside the pillow has a very different feel and texture as well. There is...
Hard Pillow Needs to be Given a Chance for Accommodation
Posted by N Gil on
🌟🌟 hard pillow. hurt my ears- Andy Thank you Andy for your review of the arc4life traction pillow. For some customers there can be an adjustment period to using this pillow in the beginning. We suggest using the pillow no more than 5-10 minutes at a time when you first receive the pillow. Use it in conjunction with another pillow that you have handy. Each night keep increasing the amount of time you are using the pillow.Also, the arc4life pillow is not composed of foam or a "hard" Material. The components of this pillow are polyester fiber, which is actually...