✨All orders received during 07/27/2024-08/04/2024 will be shipping 08/06/2024 ✨ Best Pillows for Neck Pain and Support ✨

The Arc4life Blog

I had c1-c7 spinal surgery and Trying to Find the Best Fit Pillow for ME

Posted by N Gil on

Hi I had c1-c7 spinal surgery back in 2011. I'm looking for the proper pillow to give comfort and support to my neck. I am a side sleeper. I had a great pillow after surgery but it was destroyed and for the life of me i have spent an endless amount of money trying to find the best fit for me.

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Neck Pain Due to a Herniated Disc and how to Handle it with a traction unit

Posted by N Gil on

Neck pain due to a herniated disc in your neck, bulging disc in your neck or even cervical degeneration can be excruciating. Just simply performing your activities of daily living can become a chore. Besides the neck stiffness, you may also have pain with numbness and tingling into your arms, hands or fingers, loss of neck range of motion, and muscle weakness. To determine what is going on in your cervical neck spine, your Doctor will probably refer you out for an MRI. Next, your Doctor is probably going to recommend non invasive treatment options to begin with. These may...

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Stop Neck Pain With A Home Neck Traction Unit

Posted by N Gil on

Getting the Right Traction for Neck Pain ReliefIf you have ever suffered from a pinched nerve in the neck, your Doctor may have suggested neck traction as a form of treatment. The traction unit itself can look scary and daunting, but the pain relief that it provides can be very effective and long lasting.  Lets discusses the various forms of neck traction that are available today. What is neck traction? what it is used for? and how other treatments are used in conjunction with it. There are many units out there for stretching your neck, and we examines a few...

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Using the 4 Sides of the Arc4life Traction Pillow Properly

Posted by N Gil on

Sleeping on the 4 Sides of the Arc4life Cervical Linear Traction Pillow: Side sleeping and back Sleeping with the The Support Side. Side sleeping and back sleeping with the Traction V Side. Yes, its all possible.

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I Bought This for my Mom who has Neck Problems

Posted by N Gil on

I bought this for my mom who has neck problems (bone spurs). She'd been hurting for a week or so and unable to sleep, after using this pillow she was able to get the traction she needed and pain relief. She loved it so much she bought another one.

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